One day I prepared a very delicious lunch for myself and sat down to eat. I usually like to watch something interesting while I eat so I went on youtube and found a video by Simon Sinek titled, The Golden Circle. It sounded like a Marvel movie so I thought to myself, why not and pressed play. I learned a lot from this video and really wanted to share it.
In the video, a man called Simon Sinek was giving a Ted talk and started off by explaining that the golden circle is a framework for understanding the motivations and decision-making processes of individuals and organizations. Sinek argues that people are motivated to take action when they feel a sense of purpose, and that purpose is driven by a belief in a cause or an idea.

The golden circle consists of three elements: Why, How, and What. According to him, most organizations start with What they do, then move on to How they do it, and finally explain Why they do it. This approach, he says, is ineffective because it fails to tap into the core motivations of employees and customers. This really got me thinking. I started asking myself if I knew the Why of a number of businesses and for a lot of local brands I know I couldn’t guess it. The What and How were definitely clear. That was when I realised he was right.

Simon Sinek suggests starting with Why and explaining the purpose or cause that drives an organisation. This Why, should be authentic and inspiring and should tap into the emotions and values of employees and customers. The How should then be explained, showcasing the unique methods and processes that set an organisation apart from its competitors. Finally, the What should be described, highlighting the products or services that the organisation offers. This well-laid-out structure is bound to give good results.
Sinek argues that organisations that start with Why are more successful because they are able to create a strong emotional connection with employees and customers. This connection leads to greater engagement, and loyalty, and helps businesses build a competitive advantage. When the video ended I was done with my meal and ready to tackle a new task. Which is making sure my employees and customers know my Why. I definitely believe that some do but a little more emphasis never killed anyone 🙂
Do you know your Why? Does everyone who encounters your business know it too? A few questions to think about.