One Tuesday afternoon I ran into a friend at a restaurant. We were both ordering lunch to-go so we sat down in the waiting area and did a little catching up. I hadn’t seen him in years, about 8 years as a matter of fact. He went on and on about how good I looked and I smiled and giggled to encourage him to keep at it Then he said, “I heard you started your own business.” I nodded, a little disappointed that the compliments had come to an end. I gave him a brief description of my clothing line. He listened very attentively and asked several questions. This wasn’t new to me at all. I get family and friends asking me about my business all the time. Then I did something I never really do. I asked him why he was so interested. I usually couldn’t be bothered but answering his questions made me realise that a decent number of people were curious and now I was curious about their curiosity.

My friend said he always wanted to start a business himself but never felt like the conditions were good enough. He wanted to know how doable it was. I smiled. He went on to say that he wanted to know when a Ghanaian business could be profitable enough to live comfortably on.
“The economy is so unstable so to run a business in these times is really brave, Julz,” he said. He was right! There are tons of issues and headaches involved but it is possible because there are ways to get around so many issues. It takes time, learning, testing, and resilience. I’m glad I’m sharing the story of starting and running my business in Ghana. We rarely share in this country. Maybe it’s about time we started. I’m happy to write on topics that you want to know more about either because it’s something you struggle with or something you are worried about. Hopefully, I’ll be able to help someone
Is there something you would like me to share more of? You can ask in the comments section or send me a message. I am not a massively successful business owner in Ghana but I believe that there’s so much we can all learn from each other.