The house had no gate. I walked slowly into the compound looking out for dogs or something but it was all clear. I noticed a motorbike parked by the porch. This was definitely them! I took out my phone and called the Police. I gave them directions to where I was. According to them they would be there very soon. I sent my GPS location to Keli too. Just in case I got caught and killed at least he could find my body.
Just then I heard voices coming from behind the house. I moved closer to hear what they were saying. ” KK what are you doing? My girls are waiting for me at the mall.” The lady said. I recognised her voice immediately. “Then go eh? I just dey copying some of ein movies.” A male voice replied. “Ah, you are lucky I don’t know how to ride a bike. Frank will come for the laptop tomorrow. Let’s go, ah!” She snapped at him and he giggled. When I heard doors opening I knew I had to hide! I crawled into a bush in a dark corner.
When they came out of the house I watched them get onto the motorbike. The guy was much bigger than he sounded. The lady had changed her clothes and had put on makeup. It annoyed me how pretty she was. It was definitely her because I recognized her tattoo. I knelt down quietly in the bushes till they were gone.
When I was sure the coast was clear I rushed out and headed for the room I heard them talking from. I honestly didn’t know what I was doing and before I could come up with a plan someone opened the door to the house. I just stood there staring. It was a teenage boy. “Who are you?” He asked. He had just opened the door to the room I wanted to enter. I took my chance and cooked a story. “I’m Kojo, Frank’s friend. He’s busy so he said I should come for a laptop.” I lied. The boy stared at me with a blank expression. “I called KK and he said he’s stepped out but I should pick it up.” I added. At this moment he believed me because he let me in. “Ok you can pick it up.” He said.
I walked into the room and was surprised to see tons of phones, laptops and tablets. I tried to remain composed. I looked around and immediately I spotted my laptop I heard the sound of a motorbike. “Looks like KK is back.” The boy said. My heart skipped a beat. There was a fair chance KK would fall for this trick too but what if he called the Frank guy. I had to leave but it was just too late. KK got to the door before me.
“KK this is Kojo, Frank’s friend.” The little boy introduced. I nodded and looked away. That was probably a bad idea. KK stared at me. When he reached for his phone I knew it was all over. I looked at my laptop one more time and wondered if it was worth my life I was going to lose. Maybe I could offer him money to spare me but my account was dry as hell. As my life flashed before my eyes I heard a loud bang and next I knew there were police officers inside the room.
A small smile formed on my face as the officers rushed in with guns. They had come just at the nick of time. What I didn’t expect was them arresting me as well! An officer grabbed my arms and handcuffed me, yelling at me to comply. KK and the kid had the same treatment. The officer then grabbed me by the shoulder and led me to the police car outside. “I’m not one of them! It’s a mistake.” I kept saying but it was like they didn’t hear me.