A night to remember -Part 3

The house had no gate. I walked slowly into the compound looking out for dogs or something but it was all clear. I noticed a motorbike parked by the porch. This was definitely them! I took out my phone and called the Police. I gave them directions to where I was. According to them they […]
A night to remember – Part 2

I got out of the car to look for the lady but she was nowhere to be found. I asked the hawkers around and they confirmed that someone on a motorbike picked her up. “Ai, ai ai this can’t be happening. How did she do that?!” I exclaimed. Just then I remembered I had a […]
A night to remember!

“Ei best man, how are you doing?” Terry teased. I knew he had seen a post of our friend on social media. “I beg you, oh, I’m not the best man. I’m a mere groomsman. Do you know how much the best man suit costs? I no get that kind money,” I confessed. The whole […]
On the bridge

“This is stupid,” I said to myself as I tied my shoe lace. I yawned loudly and turned to look at my bed. It was so inviting. I looked away almost immediately and stood up. I stretched like a cat that had been sleeping all day and picked up my phone and looked for interesting […]
On the run 2

“What? How? Your boss Kevin?” I asked in disbelief. The washroom door opened and Kwesi stood close to me, hiding me from the person who didn’t even look in our direction. “We don’t have much time. Kevin had a party last night. You were supposedly there and some people are suspecting you. You have to […]
On the run

“Are you sure you don’t want to come over?” Kevin asked me. “I really need to sleep. I have to be up early tomorrow. I’m working at a breakfast event,” I replied. They were not very good reasons but honestly, I just wanted to leave his company. We were chatting in the lobby of the […]

Kazira opened her eyes and turned to look at the time. It was 5:15 am. She sat up on her and slowly got off her bed trying not to wake up her dog, Carl who was next to her. He woke up anyway and she shrugged. “I don’t know why I even try. Your sensors […]
Bruno Tails

I couldn’t believe I was here already. This was much shorter than the other journey we made last time. I couldn’t wait to see Billy oh and I was getting hungry too. The trip was really boring and this time I had no one to talk to. I slept most of the time. Maybe that’s […]
The bed next to mine

The sound of talking woke me up. It came from the bed next to mine. The girl there was called Aku. She got more visitors than anyone else in our ward. Maybe it was because her case was the worst. I heard some nurses discuss her condition while she was asleep before. They said it […]
Don’t let go

I looked at the box one last time before I handed it over to Kevin. “I have to go. I wish you the best,” I said and walked away. I felt free and upset at the same time. I got into my car and drove off. I went to my favourite bar to have a […]
If you meet my boyfriend

If you meet my boyfriend If you meet my boyfriend tell him I tried I put up with so much and yet he still lied Every time he hurt me, a bit of me died So please, if you meet my boyfriend tell him I’m tired If you meet my boyfriend tell […]